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About Notifyre and ISO 27001 Certification

Notifyre is ISO/IEC 27001 certified. This level of certification is  the world's most recognized standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It defines requirements an ISMS must meet and guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving information security.
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ISO 27001 certified logo
The caduceus image and the words hipaa compliant
cog icon representing api capabilities and the words fax and sms integration
Clock icon with the words 99.99% server uptime guarantee

Audited, certified and globally recognised

Notifyre’s ISO 27001 certification is achieved via an independent and accredited third-party, Equal Assurance. Equal Assurance is an accredited ISO auditor, member of the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ), and member body of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). Equal Assurance performs initial auditing and ongoing surveillance audits annually to assess Notifyre's conformity with ISO/IEC 27001.

Notifyre’s Commitment

Information security and privacy is of the highest priority in everything we do across our organization. Notifyre takes a holistic approach to information security, across all aspects of our people, policies, and technology. This includes the solutions we build, develop and support. We are committed to embedding the highest standards and processes across Notifyre, to address risk management, cyber-resilience, and operational excellence.

Our ISMS scope

Notifyre’s Information Security Management System scope covers the entire software development lifecycle. This includes the people, processes and technology developed and supported by our development and infrastructure teams as well as the information entrusted to us by our clients within its products.
Notifyre HIPAA Compliant Fax Service: Transparent Audit Trails for Compliance

Online Fax & SMS Capabilities

In addition to Notifyre’s stringent policies, processes and technical implementation, our online fax, online SMS and secure messaging solutions are built to meet the highest standard of information security. Notifyre provides customers with the features to support their security and privacy requirements across various industries. Notifyre’s online fax and SMS capabilities include:

Reporting and Auditing

Audit trails and reporting available to review account usage and login history.

Credit Card Security

Credit card payments are securely processed via Stripe. Stripe is PCI- certified and SOC 1 and SOC2 compliant. Card data is handled securely using HTTPS and HSTS connections.

Access Management

Sub users
Optional sub user (Team) feature to manage access through role assignment and permission control.
Authorised email senders
Account admins can grant access to email senders for fax or SMS across their organization. This ensures only approved emails can send messages using a Notifyre account.
API tokens
Generate API tokens for s secure connection to our SMS and Fax API Gateway.


Data encryption
Data is AES 256-bit encrypted at rest and in transit.
Email encryption
TLS v1.2 encryption is enabled by default on emails sent or received.
Website & application encryption
HTTPS encrypted by SSL/TLS.

Back Up and Redundancy

Multi-redundancy infrastructure
Notifyre is hosted on AWS cloud with regionalised servers for load balancing. This ensures high availability and outstanding system performance.
Other AWS inclusions
AWS managed global database cluster, AWS web application firewall, AWS Cognito managed userpool, AWS managed autoscaled container services.
Data back up
Point-in-time restoration is available. Full application and data backups are performed daily.


Strong password requirement
8 characters long, one lower case letter, one capital letter, one number, special character.
Automatic log out
When ‘Remember me’ is unselected: Automatic log out occurs after 24 hours of inactivity. When 'Remember me' is selected: Automatic log out occurs after 30 days of inactivity.
2 factor authentication
Optional setting which can be activated on a per-user profile basis.
Auto delete on data
Settings for enabling: Auto Delete setting for ‘Fax Receive’ and Auto Delete setting for ‘Fax Send’.

Monitoring and Risk Management

Penetration testing
Quarterly external penetrating tests are performed to continuously identify vulnerabilities and emerging threats.
Vulnerability and security monitoring
A continuous approach to vulnerability management with daily scans performed across Notifyre applications.

HIPAA Compliance

Notifyre’s is also HIPAA compliant across our organization and application. Explore our HIPAA online fax and SMS services, offering secure fax and SMS transmission through our online portal, email, API and more. Explore HIPAA Compliance
hipaa- fax-notifyre.webp

Data Privacy Compliance

We've implemented multiple layers of physical and cloud security measures to safeguard your data and accounts, ensuring strict compliance with data privacy regulations

Data Privacy Laws

Our SMS and fax service is compliant with data privacy laws, ensuring your business data stays secure. Notifyre’s secure messaging tools keeps your online fax secure and SMS data protected at all times.
ISO 27001 certificate is available on request. Needing a security assessment or questionnaire completed as part of your supplier/vendor assessment requirements? Contact our team to discuss further.
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