Streamline SMS Communications: Notifyre's Programmable SMS API

Integrate Notifyre’s programmable SMS API into your text messaging workflows to send, receive, and manage SMS messages efficiently and effectively. 

  • Seamless integration: Quickly add SMS functionalities into your existing software with our easy-to-follow API documentation.
  • Highly scalable: Our API is designed to handle any volume of messages with consistent reliability, suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  • Advanced network infrastructure: Ensure your messages are delivered reliably with 99.99% server uptime.
  • Enterprise security: Notifyre is ISO 27001 certified, HIPAA compliant and offers 256-bit encryption.
Explore API Documentation
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Readily add SMS text messaging into your existing systems and apps.

Discover efficiency with Notifyre’s SMS API, designed to integrate with your business applications and workflows. 

Access our comprehensive REST API documentation and code samples.

Sample code in .NET, Node.js, PHP and cUrl. 

Webhooks available providing two way integration with your systems. 

A diagram visualising the simplicity of integrating Notifyre into existing business applications by using programmable API

Get started with our SMS API GitHub repositories

Notifyre .Net SMS API

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Notifyre Node.js SMS API

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SMS API use cases

Practical ways to leverage Notifyre's pay-as-you-go SMS API

Send SMS Alerts and Notifications

Instantly deliver emergency alerts & time-sensitive notifications to your audience via SMS API. Easily reach your customers at scale with Notifyre's bulk SMS notification service.

Appointment Reminders

Remind customers of their upcoming appointments to reduce no-shows and improve business revenue via programmable SMS.

Booking Confirmations

Send real-time updates for booking and reservation confirmations via SMS API. Improve loyalty and gain repeat bookings with improved communications. 

Security and Verification

Safeguard data and strengthen your organization's security with Notifyre's SMS verification service. Integrate with SMS API for instant sending after a customer triggers 2FA. 

Financial Communications

Reduce missed payments and cut overdue account balances by sending timely payment and billing reminders via SMS. 

Feedback and Customer Insights

Send SMS surveys with Notifyre’s text messaging API to receive instant feedback from customers, employees and more. 

Trusted by organizations around the world
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Advanced programmable SMS API
With safety measures, encryption, and compliance your business messages are always in safe hands when using Notifyre's SMS Gateway API.

Fast track your development with our SMS API quick start guides.

With just a few lines of code, your Node.js package or .Net application can send SMS messages with Notifyre’s SMS API gateway or retrieve a list of SMS replies.
C# code snippet showing request made using Notifyre API
Twexit API - Node.js
Looking for a Twilio® alternative?
We've made it easy to make the switch! Get started with minimal changes to your existing Twilio SMS API code.
Empower your business with Notifyre's SMS message API.

Swift and secure SMS communication is vital for all businesses. With Notifyre's comprehensive SMS API solution, access the following API calls: 

Send SMS
Retrieve SMS replies
Retrieve SMS delivery status
Manage opt-outs
Query SMS sent
Create, update and delete contacts/groups

Secure & compliant messaging.

Discover the SMS gateway API with business-grade security and compliance measures.

99.99% server uptime: provides businesses with outstanding reliability.

ISO 27001 certified, HIPAA compliant and BAAs available.

256-Bit Encryption: ensures the highest security in your online message delivery with API connections.

HMAC Signatures for verified webhooks.

smiling man in blue shirt with arms folded next to Notifyre trust symbols

Why choose Notifyre’s text message API?

Transform the way you communicate with customers using Notifyre's SMS API. Our advanced solution ensures quick, secure, and reliable text messaging for businesses.
Universal Integration

Whether it's enterprise software, a mobile app, or a CRM tool, seamlessly integrate Notifyre's text message API into any platform and instantly communicate with customers.

Automated SMS

From real-time notifications to 2FA verification codes, our SMS messaging API ensures that your messages reach the intended recipients without delay.  


Broadcast text messages with API, send to thousands of SMS contacts at once and schedule your message for the best reach.  

All your SMS API questions, answered.

Yes, all SMS sending and receiving capabilities are available with PHP through the Notifyre SMS API. View the API documentation and switch programming language of the examples by clicking on the language drop-down menu above each code sample.
Create a Notifyre account and generate an API token via the Developer settings. Then order an SMS number under Settings, Number. Once you have these you can start building with Notifyre’s API.
Notifyre’s SMS API supports .NET, JavaScript, PHP and more.
Yes! We currently have SDKs available in .NET and Node.js languages. Our client libraries can be found on Github.
An SMS API is an application programming interface that allows one platform or software to talk to another. In this case, the SMS API is built to allow businesses to integrate SMS messaging with existing software platforms using Notifyre’s SMS API. If you are using a specific platform, an SMS API will let you send and/or receive SMS directly via that platform, rather than having to switch to a different platform or software.
Application-to-Person (A2P) messaging is when messages are sent to a person using a system. Messages sent using Notifyre are considered A2P messages.
The Campaign Registry completes company identification checks and reviews SMS Campaign data to provide transparency to Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) in the United States. This process is required when businesses or organizations send high-volume online SMS messages using 10DLC numbers.
Notifyre offers developers the ability to integrate SMS capabilities into software and applications used by their organization. This enables users to manage online SMS in a system they are familiar with and streamline communication.

SMS API Service & 5-Star Support

Our team are on-hand to assist with SMS API questions. Work directly with our development team to find the text messaging API calls your business needs.