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Send Biz MSGs with Txt Abbrevs
Sending SMS online to customers is a powerful way to communicate quickly and directly. However, standard SMS messages have a 160-character limit, which can be challenging when trying to convey detailed information. Although Notifyre enables businesses to combine multiple message parts to send long text messages, reducing character count is still beneficial for faster and more concise messaging. One of the best ways to achieve this is by using abbreviations.
In this post, we'll explore some useful abbreviations that businesses in different industries can use to cut down on character counts while keeping messages clear and professional.
100+ Text Abbreviations For SMS Messaging
When communicating via SMS, keeping messages concise is crucial to get the point across quickly. This is especially important when considering the 160-character limit for standard SMS messages. Exceeding this limit may split the message into multiple parts, which can increase costs and reduce readability. By using carefully chosen abbreviations, businesses can fit more information into fewer characters, saving money while reaching their customers.
Retail & eCommerce Text Abbreviations
For retail and eCommerce businesses, SMS messages often include promotions, order updates, and delivery information. These text abbreviations can save space while keeping customers updated with their orders or new products and promotions like Black Friday.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
BOGO | Buy One Get One |
OOS | Out of Stock |
Lmtd | Limited |
Qty | Quantity |
Tx | Transaction |
Disc | Discount |
Cust | Customer |
Pymt | Payment |
Wrnty | Warranty |
Rtn | Return |
Req | Required |
Exp | Expires |
Inv | Invoice |
Dlvry | Delivery |
Apprvd | Approved |
Shpd | Shipped |
Crdt | Credit |
Ord | Order |
Pls | Please |
Promo | Promotion |
Svc | Service |
Acct | Account |
Info | Information |
Msg | Message |
Ship Est | Shipping Estimate |
Conf | Confirmation |
Recd | Received |
Rfnd | Refund |
Subscr | Subscription |
FrstTime | First Time |
Example SMS Messages Using eCommerce Text Abbreviations
- Order Confirmation: “Ord #12345 confirmed! We’ll send a Shpd update soon. Tx for shopping with us!”
- Shipping Notification: “Your order is Shpd and on its way! ETA: 12/5. Track via link.”
- Discount Reminder: “Final day for 20% Disc on select items! Shop now, promo ends soon.”
- Out of Stock Alert: “The item you wanted is OOS. Pls check back later or sign up for back-in-stock alerts.”
- Return Confirmation: “Rtn processed for Ord #12345. Crdt will be applied within 3-5 biz days.”
Financial Services Text Abbreviations
Financial services often need to send secure and clear messages about transactions, account updates, or payment reminders.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
Acct | Account |
Bal | Balance |
Dep | Deposit |
Pymt | Payment |
Auth | Authorization |
Chg | Charge |
Cred | Credit |
Ver | Verify |
Doc | Document |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine |
Example SMS Messages Using Financial Services Text Abbreviations
Account Balance Update: “Acct ending in 6789: Bal $2,350. Txn on 11/14. Check recent activity online.”
Payment Reminder: “Reminder: Pymt of $150 Due by 11/30. Avoid late fees. Log in for details.”
Transaction Alert: “Alert! Tx $500 at ATM on 11/15. If unauthorized, reply ‘FREEZE’ to freeze Acct.”
Low Balance Warning: “Acct low Bal alert: $20. Pls Dep funds to avoid overdraft fees.”
Deposit Confirmation: “Direct Dep of $1,200 Rcvd on 11/15. Check Acct for details.”
Security Verification: “Unusual Txn detected. Pls Ver recent Acct activity or call Cust Svc immediately.”
Healthcare Text Abbreviations
SMS notifications are often used for appointment reminders, prescription updates, and test result notifications. Here are some common abbreviations that healthcare providers can use to to shorten text messages.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
Appt | Appointment |
Rx | Prescription |
Med | Medication |
Conf | Confirmation |
Dr | Doctor |
Hosp | Hospital |
Lab | Laboratory |
Diag | Diagnosis |
Svc | Service |
Ins | Insurance |
Recd | Received |
Dept | Department |
Proc | Procedure |
Ref | Referral |
Reqd | Required |
Resch | Reschedule |
Info | Information |
Cnfrm | Confirm |
Test | Testing |
Vacc | Vaccination |
Prep | Preparation |
F/U | Follow-Up |
Msg | Message |
RxRef | Prescription Refill |
Addl | Additional |
Bld | Blood |
Spec | Specialist |
Min | Minute(s) |
Srvc | Service |
Care Coord | Care Coordinator |
D/C | Discharge |
Imm | Immunization |
Example SMS Messages Using Healthcare Abbreviations
Appointment Reminder: “Appt with Dr. Smith on 11/20 at 3 PM. Pls Cnfrm or Resch by replying YES or NO.”
Prescription Refill Notification: “Reminder: RxRef for Med due. Pls contact Pharm for refill.”
Lab Test Results Ready: “Lab results Recd. Contact our Dept for Info or schedule a F/U Appt.”
Insurance Approval: “Ins approval Recd for Proc on 11/21. Call our Care Coord for Prep steps.”
Vaccination Reminder: “Your Vacc is due on 11/25. Call to book an appt or reply for Stop to opt out.”
Health Checkup Reminder: “Annual checkup due. Book Appt with Dr. for preventative care.”
Real Estate Text Abbreviations
Real Estate businesses often send property updates, viewing reminders, and client communications. Real Estate text message marketing can drive sales and create hype and connect with potential buyers.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
Apt | Apartment |
Rm | Room |
Sq Ft | Square Feet |
Bdrm | Bedroom |
Fmly | Family |
Prop | Property |
Mkt | Market |
Appl | Application |
Avail | Available |
Hm | Home |
HOA | Homeowners Association |
Tour | Property Tour |
Appv | Approval |
Doc | Document |
Refi | Refinance |
Est | Estimate |
Sale Pr | Sale Price |
Pymt | Payment |
T/C | Terms and Conditions |
Loc | Location |
Yr Built | Year Built |
Cont | Contact |
Priv | Private |
Open Hse | Open House |
List | Listing |
Det | Detached |
Subdiv | Subdivision |
Bal | Balance |
Offer Exp | Offer Expiration |
Cust | Customer |
Realtr | Realtor |
Mgt | Management |
HOA Fee | Homeowners Association Fee |
Example SMS Messages Using Real Estate Abbreviations
Viewing Reminder: “Reminder: Open Hse at 123 Maple St on 11/20, 10 AM–2 PM. Reply to Cnfrm.”
New Listing Notification: “New Listing! 2 Bdrm Apt Avail in downtown Loc. Contact Realtr for Tour.”
Application Status Update: “Appl update: Your rental Appl is under review. Doc may be Req’d. We’ll update soon.”
Price Change Notification: “Price drop! Prop on Elm St now $350K. Schedule a Tour for details.”
Offer Expiration Alert: “Offer Exp on 11/25. Act now to secure 3 Bdrm Hm in Subdiv.”
HOA Reminder: “HOA Fee Bal due by 11/30. Avoid late fees; reply for Pymt options.”
Hospitality Text Abbreviations
The hospitality industry relies on SMS for booking confirmations, reminders, and special offers. These abbreviations allow hospitality businesses to provide prompt, clear updates while enhancing the guest experiences.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
Rsv | Reservation |
Chk-in | Check-in |
Chk-out | Check-out |
Rm | Room |
Conf | Confirmation |
Upgrd | Upgrade |
Avail | Available |
Resv Dept | Reservation Department |
Comp | Complimentary |
Grp | Group |
Cxl | Cancel |
Info | Information |
Hskpng | Housekeeping |
Amen | Amenities |
Wifi | Wireless Internet |
Bal | Balance |
Promo | Promotion |
Early Chk-in | Early Check-in |
Late Chk-out | Late Check-out |
F&B | Food and Beverage |
Concierge | Concierge Service |
Loc | Location |
Mbr | Member |
T&C | Terms and Conditions |
Exp | Expires |
Conf# | Confirmation Number |
Gstrm | Guest Room |
Extnd Stay | Extended Stay |
Spa Svcs | Spa Services |
Example SMS Messages Using Hospitality Abbreviations
Reservation Confirmation: “Rsv Conf# 5678. Pls Chk-in at 3 PM on 11/20. Reply if you need Early Chk-in.”
Room Upgrade Offer: “Exciting news! Upgrd to ocean-view Rm for only $50/night. Reply YES to accept.”
Check-Out Reminder: “Reminder: Chk-out is at 11 AM tomorrow. Late Chk-out Avail on request.”
Housekeeping Service: “Need extra Hskpng or fresh towels? Txt our Resv Dept at any time during your stay.”
Promo Notification: “Exclusive offer! 20% off F&B at our onsite restaurant. Promo Exp 11/30.”
Amenity Information: “Enjoy Comp Wifi and Pool access. Spa Svcs Avail by Appt only.”
Education Text Abbreviations
SMS for Educational institutions can be used for announcements, exam results, school reminders, and event updates, keeping parents, students and teachers informed.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
Sch | School |
Grad | Graduation |
Exam | Examination |
Enrl | Enroll |
Subj | Subject |
Sem | Semester |
Prj | Project |
FYI | For Your Information |
Fld Trip | Field Trip |
Tchr | Teacher |
Logistics & Delivery Text Abbreviations
For logistics and transportation, SMS for delivery tracking, scheduling, and delivery status updates are a useful way to keep customers or clients informed of their order.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
PU | Pickup |
DL | Delivery |
BOL | Bill of Lading |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
Cnfrm | Confirm |
Cust | Customer |
Det | Detour |
EOD | End of Day |
Tran | Transport |
Reqd | Required |
Alerts and Notifications Text Abbreviations
SMS alerts and notifications are incredible helpful when sending time-sensitive updates or emergency weather alerts.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
URG | Urgent |
FYI | For Your Information |
Msg | Message |
Pls | Please |
NTFY | Notify |
Appt | Appointment |
Conf | Confirmation |
Rem | Reminder |
Exp | Expires |
Pwd | Password |
Sub | Subscription |
Ver | Verify |
T&C | Terms and Conditions |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
Cnfrm | Confirm |
Sts | Status |
Updt | Update |
Reqd | Required |
Chg | Charge |
Xfer | Transfer |
Del | Delivery |
Acct | Account |
Auth | Authorization |
Tx | Transaction |
Pymnt | Payment |
Info | Information |
Cmpl | Complete |
Hold | Hold |
Recd | Received |
RTN | Return |
SL | Service Level |
Qrtly | Quarterly |
Yrly | Yearly |
Msg | Message |
Alert | Alert |
Cxl | Cancel |
Tips for Using Abbreviations in Business Texts
While abbreviations are helpful, businesses should use them thoughtfully to avoid confusing or unprofessional messages. Here are some tips:
- Match Tone with Audience: Abbreviations may be great for casual and quick messages but might not suit highly formal communications.
- Avoid Overuse: Too many abbreviations can make a message unclear. Aim for brevity but prioritize readability.
- Explain Unfamiliar Terms: If an abbreviation isn’t widely known, introduce it in a previous communication or use it sparingly.
- Use Industry-Standard Terms: Stick to commonly accepted abbreviations to ensure the highest understanding.
- Leverage SMS Keywords with Abbreviations: Combining SMS keywords with abbreviations can optimize character count while still delivering clear and engaging messages.
Notifyre Can Help with Long Text Messages
When messages need to be longer than 160 characters, Notifyre combines multiple message parts to ensure seamless delivery to the recipient as a single, extended SMS. If a longer message (multi-part message) is sent, each message has a maximum of 153 characters due to seven characters being needed to facilitate re-joining of the message on delivery. For longer messages sent, the SMS is split into two or more messages that may be reassembled on delivery, so they are a single message (or, on some handsets, may be delivered as a series of separate SMS). This feature is ideal for businesses that have to convey detailed information in long SMS messages. Notifyre users can also set a SMS character limit for their account - this way a sender cant send overly long messages and costs can be controlled. Learn more about Notifyre's SMS character limits
160 Characters not enough? Send long SMS messages with Notifyre!
With Notifyre’s support for multi-part messages, you have the flexibility to communicate effectively—no matter the length of your message.
Slide into inboxes with SMS Marketing
Use scheduling tools, SMS templates and bulk contact upload to send SMS broadcasts.